Going down... down... down, into the tunnels under the City of David.
King David captured the city through these same tunnels.
Towards the end of his reign, David's eldest son Adinoyah, acting without the blessing of his father, with the help of a duplicitous Cohen (high priest) and support from David's own right-hand man Yoav, crowned himself the new King. Upon hearing of his son's treachery, David acted quickly, abdicating his throne to his son Shlomo (Solomon.) He took the young Shlomo, placed him on the royal donkey, and led him to the spring of Gihon to be annointed king, all to shouts of "Enduring Life for King Solomon." When the people's cries, echoing through the Kidron Valley, reached the ears of "King" Adinoyah and his camp, his men abandoned him and fled, fearing punishment for their treachery.
The new King Shlomo stayed Adinoyah's execution, but later, when Adinoyah married a widow of King David, apparently attempting to better his claim to the throne, King Shlomo sensed a plot and had him, along with the traitorous Cohen and Yoav, executed.
Looking down an ancient well in the excavated Gihon spring, where King Solomon was crowned.
Entire new caverns and roads from the ancient city have been discovered here in recent years, largely due to the archaeological salvage excavations triggered by Elad's building projects. Elad continues to fund most of the archaeology here, and new discoveries are constantly being unearthed.
One technique for building is to excavate shafts down to bedrock, then sink columns. The columns then support the building overhead as excavation and preservation work continues below. Several buildings have been constructed in the old city using similar techniques.

New excavations at the Gihon Spring. The new building is above, the excavations below, and we stand on a platform built to display the excavations.
Four centuries later, long after the split of the Kingdom of Shlomo into the northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah, the Assyrian King Sennacherib was on the move. Conquering one country after the next, he prevented rebellion from his new subjects by mixing them around, exiling them to other parts of his empire, unfamiliar settings. King Hezekiah of Judah saw as Sennacherib invaded the northern Kingdom of Israel and exiled the ten tribes therein, who have been lost to history until today.
Hezekiah expected the Kingdom of Judah to be attacked next. In 701 BCE, in order to better withstand the coming siege, he had his engineers dig a tunnel stretching for a half kilometer to bring water from the Gihon Spring flowing into the city walls. Two teams assembled on either side and began digging blind, straight through the rock. The plan worked, and the steady water flow into the city saved Jerusalem and the southern tribes from Sennacherib's conquest. Water still flows through the tunnel today.
At the spring of Gihon. The entrance to Hezekiah's Tunnel is in the center of the photo.
We didn't get in the water and walk the length of the tunnel, though I've done it in the past. We did, however, walk through a different tunnel, now dry, which had been used for a similar purpose before King Hezekiah built his extended tunnel.

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