Sunday, August 13, 2006

Oy, Canada!

A-Minus: 2 Days

Last Friday I finally closed up my life in Walnut Creek. I was up until 2 AM Friday morning throwing things out. I then collapsed and slept until 6 AM. Woke up, and continued throwing things out. I got in to work at noon, met with my boss who had come in during his vacation especially to meet with me on my new contract position and say goodbye, as well as to interview mechanical engineers, and then got out of the office. Cashed in four years worth of pocket change, closed two bank accounts, and then deposited the balance in the one American bank account I'm keeping. Then, I ran to the post office and mailed boxes and boxes of stuff I couldn't pack up to my parents. Ran to REI and picked up some shoes I had ordered, ran back to work, turned in my keys, cleaned out my office, and burned DVDs of data that I'll need to keep. Made it up to my shabbat hosts with 9 minutes to spare.

This morning, woke up restless at 4:30 AM, caught my plane and landed here in Toronto, where I'm staying with my friends Miriam and Meshullam, who moved here from Walnut Creek.

I'm reading the bad news coming from Israel in snippets. 24 soldiers killed, hundreds of rockets, civilian casualties, and, this may seem strange, I wish nothing more than to be there.

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