Thursday, September 14, 2006

More Apartment Photos

Blogger only allows me to upload a certain number of photos per day, so I'm going to have to do this piecemeal. Here are some more photos:

Here's a shot of my kitchen. Cousin Uri from Moshav Bnei Darom (down near Ashdod) drove up with three boxes loaded with stuff that I left with him four years ago. He tells me it's a miracle the stuff wasn't thrown out, as his storage area is just a station on the way to the garbage. I had some pots and pans which I had marked well, and some silverware that is entirely metal and so can be kashered, but unfortunately my dishes were ceramic and unmarked, so I don't know if they're meat or dairy, so I'll probably have to toss them. They're pretty nasty anyway.

THe apartment itself is kind of odd. It's very clean and new. Notice the granite countertop and polished jerusalem stone floors. But then there are all of these junky plastic shelves held by angle irons. I could really make it a nice place, but I don't want to go overboard moneywise.

I got my folding table and found a chair next to the dumpster, so I have my little work station already set up and going. First comes work, then comes furniture.

A view from the hallway.

That's about it for the apartment!


Yaakova said...

It's a perfect little apartment for a single guy! And it's nice that there are new cabinets, countertops, floor tiles, etc. Looks like they did a good job renovating it.
Thanks for the info on kashering. I had thought that ceramic dishes could also be kashered, and could subsequently be used with either meat or dairy.
Shabbat Shalom in your own home, Evan!

Ephraim said...


BTW Please don't take anything I say here as halachah. Anybody wanting to kasher a kitchen should consult a competent halachic authority.

That being said, I've heard that it's possible to kasher ceramic dishes by re-firing them in a kiln, thus making them "new" dishes. Also, my cousin Rafi, who is sephardi, says that if you don't use them for one year they become normal dishes again, but as an Ashkenazi my halachic authority told me not to go that way.