Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Haifa Tiyul

I've been looking forward to tomorrow's tiyul (visit/trip/tour) to Haifa, Israel's northern city, for almost a month now. I paid my 200 shekels weeks in advance to reserve a spot. I moved my work schedule around so I could take the tour. Had it marked on my calendar for tomorrow morning at 8AM.

This morning at 8AM I received a phonecall.

"This is the OU Center. We're waiting. Are you coming?"

Oh, no! I looked at my calendar, and it was marked for Thursday. But then I raced to the website and noticed that it said WEDNESDAY! Not THURSDAY! AAAAAAUGH!

Needless to say, they left without me. So now I'm 200 shekels poorer with no tiyul, and no photos to show for it. And it was a perfect, clear day, after the first rains had cleared out the air. Great for photography.

Well, live and learn, I suppose.

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