Tuesday, July 11, 2006


A-Minus: 1 Month, 4 Days

Operation Trashheap continues apace!

-I have someone coming over tonight to pick up a bunch of junk, someone else who wants one of my computers.

-Delivered three large boxes to the post office to be sent to my folks' up north.

-Packing three suitcases for my upcoming visit home to store at their place.

-And, of course, trying to continue with the rest of my life in the mean time.

There's an extra spring in my step every time I ship a box, sell a tool, or clear up a bit of floor space.

My exit comes not a moment too soon, as neighborhood I live in has been going downhill. Not that it was ever very high on the hill to begin with, but it's somewhere in the sewer now.

As rents have gone down and places remain vacant, management started renting to "Monument People," i.e., the crowd that hangs out on Monument Blvd. in downtown Concord. I.e. illegal - no, make that "undocumented" immigrants. And that includes the maintenance supervisor.

They have been congregating in the front courtyard of my neighbor nightly, engaging in rowdy gambling sessions that last till midnight or 1 AM. I would tell them to be quiet, but I don't speak Spanish. And I don't want to get shot.

A family moved upstairs from me, and I started finding crushed beer cans and burnt cigarette butts in my back yard. Not smart, considering my back yard consists of 2 foot high grass. I went up and tried to discuss the issue with them, but, you know, "No hablo Ingles." I immediately told the management and then took out a renter's insurance policy in case the complex burns down. Then, they started throwing feces into my back yard. Yes, you read that right.

After that, my next door neighbors tore out the bottom board of the fence connecting my back yard to their back yard. Then they got a dog, which is not allowed per the renter's contract, and trained the dog to crawl under the hole they made in the fence and "make" in my back yard.

That's not to mention the three automobile breakins, leaky sinks, ajar doors, flee infestations, broken heater, and peeling paint. No, I will definately not be missing this place.


Yaakova said...

Wow. That's really not cool. I'm glad you're getting out of there. But I have to admit that I find this post particularly interesting, since I sold my house that was 3 blocks off Monument Blvd., (behind the infamous 7-11!!) exactly 5 years ago. The area had stabilized at that time, albeit with a lot of undocumented residents. Now a downward turn in the real estate market seems to have changed that. Has Monument Blvd. changed for the worse? It's weird to find out that Walnut Creek-- even the less expensive side of it-- has stuff like that going on.

R. said...

Ouch... Whenever I read about these experiences I remember my own four years ago and have chills! Making aliah? To where? Welcome! :)
If you need any help, let me know.

Baleboosteh said...

Sounds like its a good idea that your leaving now rather than later. That's pretty scary stuff.

Ephraim said...


I don't know what Monument was like 5 years ago. I got here 4 years ago and I don't spend enough time out that way to know if it's gone "downhill." Still plenty of "undocumented Americans" hanging out on the street corners being picked up for business, but prices are still pretty high, though they haven't increased like they did during the 90's.


I think I'm going to be living in the Jerusalem area for a while, before I get settled.


I've been looking forward to closing the door on this apartment since the day I moved in.