I did have one major accomplishment last week: I finally used my Israeli ATM card. That's not a big deal, I know. Except the fact is, I've been using my American ATM card for quick cash as needed. When you put your American ATM card into the machine here, it figures you're some sort of bewildered tourist and gives you the option of speaking English. Unfortunately, I lost my American ATM card while in the Old Country (California) last month, so I've been walking into the bank to withdraw money. Of course, the bank has weird hours, like 8AM-noon and 4-6PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and different hours for every other day, so I can never quite time my arrival properly. Finally, I had to pay the movers in hard cash, and the bank was closed, so I had no choice but to put my Israeli ATM card in and muscle through the Hebrew. Actually, it was no problem. Just one of those battles that you put off as long as you can, until you're cornered and you've got to stand and fight. Of course, I emerged victorious, cash in hand.
Anyway, to get from my bank to the Post Office (where I had to pay a 250 shekel traffic citation) I walked through Independence Park, camera at the ready.
Of course, with all the high tech and new construction in Israel, you sometimes forget the country's thrown-together, sloppy origins. Then you turn a corner and see something that reminds you.
There were a few English posters around. After all, I'm not sure the Israelis would get this one if it were in Hebrew:

Further along on the way to the post office, I passed through this cute little street near the main thoroughfare of Jaffa Street: