Saturday, February 02, 2008

More Jerusalem Snow Pics

It snowed even harder on Wednesday night, but Thursday was finally sunny enough to wander around the city for a while. The snow was already beginning to melt, so I had to move fast.

I went down to Emek Refaim...

...and ended up across from Gan Hapeamon, photographing some of the public spaces in the Yemin Moshe neghborhood.

Eventually, I came to the walls of the old city.

Migdal David (the Tower of David, at the Jaffa gate.)

Yours truly, on the roof over Kever David, the grave of David. BTW He's not REALLY buried there.
A snow-student in the Diaspora Yeshivah.

Looking towards Har Hazeitim (The Mount of Olives.)
The Chuvra Synagogue, destroyed by the Arab Legion in 1948, is finally being rebuilt.

The Western Wall, still some snow around.

Ancient burial caves near the King David Hotel.

Yemin Mosheh.

1 comment:

Poemas sem fronteiras said...

Hi, your page is very, very worderful... it fills de eyes and the heart, too!