Dual Loyalties?
The Democrats
Barry'O and Hillary
The Republicans Part I
There isn't much left to say about the Republicans, since two of them dropped out since my last post, I'm fast running out of candidates to review.

How strange that this man was once considered the front-runner. I suppose he was just more recognizeable than any other candidate. The fact is, his greatest feat during 9-11 was knowing how to manage things but also how to get out of the way. I think his greatest moment was turning down $10 Million from Saudi Prince Alweed Bin Talal, "There is no moral equivalent for this [terrorist] act. There is no justification for it. The people who did it lost any right to ask for justification for it when they slaughtered 4,000 or 5,000 innocent people." This is in marked contrast the "Root Cause" junkies amongs the left, who can't talk about the slaughter on September 11th without linking it to Arab opposition to Israel's "policies," which everyone knows really means, "existance." He demonstrated a decent knowledge on the basics of the conflict here, "And one of the reasons I think [the 9-11 attacks] happened is because people were engaged in moral equivalency in not understanding the difference between liberal democracies like the United States, like Israel, and terrorist states and those who condone terrorism."
Unfortunately, I think he was just to "Yankee" to fit in with the more socially conservative elements in the Republican party.

He just mosied on out of the race as lazily as he mosied on in. He had typical conservative policies, and his lethargic drawl was going to hypnotize us into rallying behind him. It didn't work.
And so, my vote has been cast, or in my case faxed into the Contra Costa County Elections Office. Planet Israel endorses...
One month ago, this guy's campaign was a lost cause. Out of money, sometimes his press corps would consist of only one reporter.
Well, they're singing a different tune now.
Conservatively, despite complaints, he fits the bill. He has a 100% pro-life record, pro-military, and demands UN-reform. A few issues where he's at variance with republicans include immigration, government reform, and the environment.
As far as immigration, which he got in big trouble with in his party for trying to loosen legal requirements; the fact is, that there's no way around it. America is suffering a minor version of the suicidal demographics of European states. Europe is experiencing rapid decline, with only one child per family in Spain, Italy, and other traditionally fertile nations. This results in the native population being cut in half in every generation. The massive immigration of Muslims who come to fill the jobs that the unborn Europeans would have taken will, in the year 2040 or so, result in an islamic majority in Denmark and Holland. OTher states will soon follow. America has a similar problem, as the birth rate among native-born Americans has now declined to below the replacement number of 2.1 children per family. In order to continue growing, America HAS to boost its population with immigrants. I don't think Mexican or other immigration is such a problem. I went to a high school that was 55% Mexican, and seemed to get along just fine. Besides, I like enchiladas and churros (although I can skip the cow brain burritos.)
His actions toward Israel have been consistantly solid. During the previous Lebanon war, he said:
"My dear friends, you have probably seen our European friends say, 'Well, the Israelis have got to stop,' " McCain told about 120 people during the fund-raiser at a golf course in this St. Louis suburb.
"What would we do if somebody came across our borders and killed our soldiers and captured our soldiers? Do you think we would be exercising total restraint?"
To be honest, I still prefer Huckabee's more accurate appraisal of the true situation in the middle east, but the fact is that with a tanking economy and an unpopular war in Iraq, the Republicans will have an extremely hard time getting elected this cycle. McCain is the only Republican who has a chance of winning. Obama has charisma, but McCain has an affable personality, a long record of integrity, and he actually fought for his country (something no president for the last sixteen years can say honestly.)
There's no telling how his Presidency would go, but I suspect that a man who survived the depravities of a communist torture camp can understand on a much deeper level that some people are simply evil, which is the first step in understanding how to to real good in the region.
McCain-Huckabee seems likely at this point. I loved that Huckabee clip you posted; I never knew he said that. I thought I heard him talk about the "peace process" before. I'd love to see him on the ticket.
hi evian, good post as usual. Yay.
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